Voice of Belarus is a multilingual media initiative that distributes important news about Belarus around the world. Since 2023, Voice of Belarus is a project of the German-Belarusian Society (deutsch-belarussische gesellschaft e.V.).
The initiative sprang to life in August 2020, as mass protests swept through Belarus after a sham presidential election. Only Putin’s support has allowed Lukashenko to thwart the peaceful protest movement. In 2022, the two regimes used Belarus’ territory as a launching ground for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine against the will of the Belarusian people.
The ongoing crackdown on dissent has decimated Belarusian civil society. However, Belarusians continue to advocate and support change. Thousands of Belarusians who fled political persecution continue working for Belarus' future from abroad. Voice of Belarus aims to aid the pro-democratic movement by bringing important news to the world.
Visit our website and spread the word: www.voiceofbelarus.org