Everybody knows: when there is too big choice it is difficult to choose something, especially food) The wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) in the park had the same situation - too many acorns to find the best one.Hrodna city, W Belarus, 08-10-2022
Several pictures and full story in Belarusian are here:https://birdwatch.by/gallery/harrier/vyalikiya-galuby-i-vyalikiya-zhaludy-chastka-i
Некалькі здымкаў і першая частка гісторыі пра вялікіх галубоў і жалуды па-беларуску тут:https://birdwatch.by/gallery/harrier/vyalikiya-galuby-i-vyalikiya-zhaludy-chastka-i