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Moonspell in Greensboro, NC. 2023 North American 30th Anniversary Tour

  • 02.05.2023
  • 1 006 праглядаў
  • 👍 7
  • 💬 4
Moonspell played the third show of their big American tour. Unfortunately, Hangar 1819 was almost empty, and the support bands (the terrible Eleine and the brilliant but little-known Oceans of Slumber) were unable to draw a crowd. And something very bad happened to vocalist Fernando Ribeiro - he became almost unrecognizable. Old, fat and sick (or hungover?). I hope it's just because of the empty venues and the busy gig schedule, and soon Fernando will do his best!
Катэгорыя: Грамадзтва
Канал: Jackal Today

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