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  • 23.11.2020
  • 2 654 прагляды
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  • 💬 18
СВОБОДА–ЛЮБОВЬ / FREEDOM–LOVE Song by Alexey (Krasavchik) Ryskin and Andre Temkin Recorded by mirUmir /www.mirUmir.us To all brothers and sisters of Belarus: you have chosen this path, the path to Freedom through Love. For "He who seeks finds" both Love and Freedom. Both Portland and Seattle are with you! Всем братьям и сестрам Беларуси. Bы выбрали эту дорогу, дорогу к Свободе через Любовь. И мы знаем: кто ищет, тот найдет и любовь, и свободу. Портленд и Сиэтл с вами! Aleksey Ryskin – vocal, acoustic & electric guitars, electric organ Andre Temkin – vocal, electric guitar Scott Bergler – slide & acoustic guitars David Curtis - lead guitar Roman Tchamkin – bass Donnie Rife – drums Mixed and mastered by Nik Vengrzhanovich Engineered and produced by Andre Temkin Volya Dzemka – video director, producer, editor, Seattle, Washington Yulia Ruditskaya – animation, Brooklyn, New York Dima Yaremenko – videographer, Portland, Oregon Videographers, Minsk, Belarus: Ihar Chyshchenia Aleksandr Aleynikov Alena Yasinskaya Dzima Dzedok Mitya Semenov-Aleynikov Yauhen Shapchyts Huge thanks to all our patrons who supported us during the production and creation of this video. www.mirumir.us https://www.facebook.com/mirumirmusicband https://vk.com/mirumirmusicband https://www.instagram.com/mirumir_music_band Contact: [email protected] mirUmir music band YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyPIbxGh3C9KM58LeLwo5g © mirUmir 2020
Катэгорыя: Грамадзтва

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