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Суд над Каваленкам. Дзень другі

  • 22.02.2012
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22 лютага ў судзе Першамайскага раёну Віцебску працягваўся працэс над сябрам КХП-БНФ Сяргеем Каваленкам. Яго судзяць паводле крымінальнага абвінавачаньня за парушэньні рэжыму «хатняй хіміі» — умоўнага пакараньня, прысуджанага за бел-чырвона-белы сьцяг, вывешаны 7 студзеня 2010 году на гарадзкой навагодняй ёлцы. 22 февраля в суде Первомайского района Витебска продолжался процесс над членом КХП-БНФ Сергеем Коваленко. Его судят по уголовной обвинения за нарушение режима «домашней химии» — условного наказания, присужденного за бело-красно-белый флаг, вывешенный 7 января 2010 года на городской новогодней елке. VITSEBSK, Belarus -- The trial of Belarusian opposition activist Syarhey Kavalenka in the eastern city of Vitsebsk is resuming -- one day after he was taken from the courtroom to a prison hospital for the treatment of health problems connected to the fact that he is on hunger strike. The judge adjourned the trial on February 21 after Kavalenka appeared gaunt and frail, and doctors said he required treatment. Kavalenka, 37, was arrested last December for alleged parole violations and faces a possible three-year sentence. He was forcibly fed by prison guards in January, but says he resumed a hunger strike in the first week of February. Kavalenka, a member of the Belarusian Conservative Christian Party-Belarusian Popular Front, was sentenced in January 2010 to three years of "limited freedom" for "illegally displaying the banned Belarusian national flag" in a public place. www.svaboda.org/content/article/24492261.html
Катэгорыя: Палітыка

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