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В Беларуси устанавливается фашистский режим

  • 15.01.2021
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BYPOL https://t.me/by_pol/ получил запись выступления https://youtu.be/VeGigtOJI24 замминистра МВД Карпенкова перед личным составом ГУБОПиК в октябре 2020 года. Он рассказал о новом вооружении силовиков, которое сильнее травмирует, и заявил, что применять оружие нужно «прямо в лоб, прямо в лицо, после чего он уже никогда не вернется в то состояние, в котором находился. Главой государства мы прикрыты со всех сторон в плане применения оружия». When we say that bandits have seized power in Belarus, we are not exaggerating. On the contrary, we speak too softly. They commit crimes against the Belarusian people and humanity. They do this absolutely consciously, and in the circle of their own kind and they are not shy about it. Right now you have the opportunity to look inside of this narrow circle. Initiative By_Pol obtained audio of the speech of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Karpenkov in front of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was made in October 2020, shortly after Ivan Kubrakov took over as Minister of Internal Affairs. Karpenkov is the same criminal in uniform who smashed the glass door of the O'Petit cafe on Pobediteley Avenue with a baton. There were his subordinates, dressed up as street muggers, who beat ordinary Belarusians on the streets of Minsk. Under the leadership of Karpenkov, the alleged fighters against organized crime themselves acted like bandits. What is exactly Karpenkov telling his subordinates? He explicitly allows them to maim and kill protesters, guaranteeing full cover for Lukashenka. “Use the weapon directly in the forehead, right in the face, after which he will never return to the state in which he was. We are covered by the head of state from all sides in terms of the use of weapons,” instructs Karpenkov. He admits that Alyaksandr Taraikovsky was shot dead by the security forces. He calls the protesters superfluous and in all seriousness promises that a special resettlement camp will be built for them, which will be surrounded by barbed wire. After this speech, no one will have the slightest doubt: all atrocities in Belarus are carried out on the orders of Lukashenko and with his knowledge. Karpenkov explicitly announces the main task of the police - no, this is not the protection of the people, but the protection of Lukashenko and his family, the protection of deputies and other persons managing the state. We also hear that the security forces are scared, and this fear is driving them forward. They fear lustration, fear punishment for their crimes, and to delay this moment, they are ready for any nastiness. Karpenkov, on behalf of Lukashenko, promises medals and orders to subordinates for refusing conscience. GUBOPiK, riot police and other suborganisations loyal to Lukashenko are actually terrorist organizations. We will do everything possible to ensure that they are officially recognized at the international level. The fact that they do not save the country, but only keep their patron on the throne contrary to the will of the majority, is becoming more and more evident every day. All of the above brings us, Belarussians, and whole humanity back to the fact that a fascist regime is being established in Belarus. We will transmit this audio recording to the UN Security Council, the EU Council, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, also to the official authorities of Russia and the United States. We will raise the question of recognizing the Lukashenko regime as terrorism. Once again we appeal to international institutions about the importance of establishing an international criminal tribunal on trouble of Belarus. Do we have the right to tolerate the criminal military regime in our country? Do we have the right to tolerate with the fact that concentration camps will appear in our beloved Belarus? In our hands is the future of our country, our children. We have to protect ourselves. We're people. We'll never be slaves.
Катэгорыя: Палітыка

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